
Banner Image Courtesy of Photos by Brittany Lauren

Do you have a wedding, engagement, idea, or feature concept you’d like to submit? We’d love to see it! Seaside Bride is always looking for new and innovative resources to share with our readers. To get started, check out our submission guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines:

Where: Please send all submissions and inquiries to

General Submissions for Web and
Social Media Features (Open year-round)

How recent: Nothing older than the previous year. For example, if you’re submitting a wedding in 2024, the wedding should not be older than 2023.

Who can submit: For ideas and feature concepts, anyone! For weddings and engagements, we ask that only the couple or the vendors involved make the submission.

What we look for: Keep it local to Delaware and the eastern shore of MD. As a general rule, anything spectacular that reflects a unique or pleasing aesthetic showcasing the talent and creativity of local vendors/couples. Flip through our magazine or check out our real weddings page to get an idea of what catches our eye! Occasionally we have specific searches that may hold exceptions to our standard search rules. These are listed below when applicable.

*Vintage Weddings of your parents/grandparents (exception: date – can be back to the 1940s)

*Military Weddings (exception: date – can be up to 3 years old)

*Morning After Brunch/Party - Show us your morning after celebrations! 

Format: Gallery links or sample images.

Print Magazine Submissions
(Open January 1st – *May 31st)

*(Photographers may submit weddings until June 30th) 

How recent: Nothing older than the previous year. For example, if you’re submitting a wedding in 2024, the wedding should not be older than 2023.

Who can submit: We ask that only the couple or the vendors involved in the wedding send submissions.

What we look for:  We always seek visually stunning, unique concepts that showcase the best of Southern Delaware and the lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. Seasonal weddings, weddings that showcase diversity in culture, POC, LGBTQ, etc., big weddings, micro weddings, elopements, backyard bashes, glitz, and glam—we want to see them all. Keep it local (currently restricted to lower Kent, Sussex, Worcester, Wicomico, and Dorchester counties).

Format: Gallery Links

Wedding Professionals: If you’d like us to consider you or your services for a magazine feature, please include sample photos, a brief overview of your company, and relevant web links.

***We cannot guarantee that everything submitted to us will be published. With over 100+ wedding submissions every year, and only 8-12 feature wedding slots available in the print magazine, the consideration pool is huge. Submissions that reflect Seaside Bride’s content goals and overall aesthetic have a higher chance of publication. As much as we’d love to showcase every wedding we receive, this is simply impossible. However, we try to feature as many weddings online as we can so our readers don’t miss out! ***